〓 公司宣言

Our Mission


Food is the foundation of life.



Safety, nutrition, and taste are the three essential elements of food.





Technology changes our lives. From field to table, Langyue Food, as the starting point of the food processing industry chain, directly connects with planting bases. We adhere to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to provide consumers and subsequent processors with safe, healthy, delicious, and traceable food and ingredients.





Langyue introduces domestic and international production and processing equipment and technologies. We use fluidized quick-freezing equipment for individually quick frozen (IQF) fruits and vegetables, along with cold chain transportation and storage. Users can directly use the products in precise quantities without thawing, preserving the original nutritional content and flavor of the fruits and vegetables. We lead the trend in consumer fashion.




Langyue, as a key link in the agricultural and food processing industry chain, promotes increased income for farming, facilitates the transfer of rural labor, and enhances the added value of agricultural products. It is destined to become an important driving force for rural revitalization.

朗阅(唐山)食品有限公司,专营 速冻其他系列 速冻芋头系列 速冻苹果系列 速冻菠萝系列 等业务,有意向的客户请咨询我们,联系电话:15811404125

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